Monday, August 4, 2008

On Saturday Stone was Baptized....
O.K. I know what your thinking.... "Isn't Stone like 9 or something". Well, yes he is. We were just a little late getting it done. {That should explain the Missionary's}. Stone actually turned 8 when we were living in are trailer {with 4 kids} in my mom and dads backyard. While we were building are house. Needless to say Josh was gone all the time, and I was pretty busy myself. Then once we got moved in there's a million other things. Like adjusting to a new school, then Christmas was here, then going on vacation, and then the yard. Anyways, I could make excuses all day long... The point is, it's finally DONE. And it was Stone decision, and we are so PROUD of him!!!

Stone has actually been doing the Missionary Discussions for the last 4 weeks, 2 times a week. So it was a big challenge to fit all of them in before Aug 2. Because he really wanted to be Baptised with his friend Sam Lewis. And he made it!! It was so interesting to hear everything the Missionary's had to say {we all learned so much!} I do fill that Stone was better off doing it this way. And making his own decision. Even if he does have SLACKERS for a mom and dad.

Stone with his Great Grandparents.

THANK YOU to everyone who helped out!!! Bro. Lewis, Bro Henrie, Elder Deaton, and Elder Clawson. And Grandpa Jake and Uncle Colby.

After the Baptism was over we went boating with Colby and Heather. {Just to RELAX}! The water was horrible, but the kids had a BLAST!

All the kids had their turn going around, and around on the tube a million times {even Stryker}.

Thanks Colby and Heather for taking us. And putting up with are crazy kids, who can never get enough. We are definitely getting a boat next year...


gillman said...

haiely, thats awesome about stone, what a great kid you have. tell him congrats for us!!!

Cori Simmons said...

Hmm, Savannah and I really were there - we just seemed to miss the family picture. Stone made a great decision! Bo said it was the coolest thing Stone had ever done (and we all know he's done some pretty cool things).

Ellery said...

i love that he was taking missionary discussions. my friends little girl wanted to go experience other churches before she made her decision to get babtized. makes it all the more meaningful. way to go stone.

Jamie Johnson said...

I think that is so neat that stone wanted to take the missionary discussions. I think a lot of kids don't understand why the are getting baptized. They just know that's what there parents want them to do. So congrats stone.

Tiff said...

Holy cow Hay talking about me all night and I didn't even no that Stone got baptized tell him congrats that is so awesome I am proud of him!

Em said...

Congrats! That is awesome. I hope it's ok I found you. Looks like you guys had a great day!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Congrats Stone. 9 or 29... doesn't matter, he did it!! We're so proud of him.

Scott and Beth said...

Hooray for Stone!!! That is so exciting and it explains a lot of Swayze's religious comments!!! Congratulations!

Molly said...

I love that he made the decision on his own! That's awesome!

Ellery said...

So i so wish you could have been there with me!! I really didnt think i would get to see him and i actually was standing right by him and didnt know till greg pointed him out! HE IS SOOO NICE! You and Josh can definantly come next year..I assume Cass will be invited again. That would be so fun!! I wish i was more prepared to see him...i would have had him hold a "hi hayley my biggest fan" sign for the picture. or get you something signed! i didnt have anything. so thats all the more reason you should come next year!
it was nice to hear you thought the girls were being taken care of. it was the first time we have left them with someone other than family. andee is sooo wonderful, we couldnt have asked for a better person to be with them.
and yes i need to fill my dad in on Edward.
and yes i ate a cupcake! yum! mine was vanilla.
that is cool you guys have raced with the fiolek family! i had read about her but didnt know who she was till cass pointed out that she was sitting behind us. she seemed soo sweet! what a cool girl. well i would be surprised if cass didnt get an invite for next year so plan on would be fun to be moto girls together :)
we should all go out...

Molly said...

I got the Wheat grass thingy at Four Chairs. They moved to the top of Lindon hill where Reinessants furniture use to be.

Shannon said...

Congratulations Stone! What a wonderful decision you made!!

We Love boating too, but when you get one, i think you don't really go as much, or maybe it's because i have twin 3 yr olds and am Pregnant...not so fun then.
I love watching the kids behind the boat though and Boston is so good at all of it, so it is fun, just a lot of work!!

Did you read "Breaking Dawn"??!!

Cami said...

Good Job Buddy were proud of you, and your slacker parents:)

Cyndi said...

What!! We move away like two streets over and dont even know whats going on over there anymore! congrats to stone! hopefully the missionary thing was'nt too weird! I cant belive Milo and Swayze got the same teacher again this year! they are going to have so much fun!

Julie said...

That was a geat day! It was fun meeting your family! They are awesome!


That is so great that he made his own decision to get baptized. What a cute boy!! I'll bet that was a great day!

Cori Simmons said...

and August 4th was a LOOOONNNNGGGG time ago. Post somethin' else ya dork!

Anonymous said...

Congrates Stone!!! I am so proud of you and your decision to be baptized. It was just yesterday your parents brought you home from the hospital. Now you're baptized, playing baseball, and probably growing hair on your chest! What a man!!! Great job little buddy.

Uncle Cory