Friday, July 11, 2008


Josh was outside last night working on the yard. When two little neighbor girls {yes, I said GIRLS} went bye on their bikes. So Josh said to Steel "look what they can do, no training wheels". Well anyone who knows Steel, knows that was all it took. And the training wheels were off.

And two seconds later he was OFF, chasing down the girls. All I said was "Great one more thing to worry about." Not him chasing down the girls, just Steel on a bike with no training wheels, he's CRAZY enough already....


Cori Simmons said...

I love the wind blowing through is hair! He's got some muscle tone too! GREAT JOB STEELE!

Hotzebra said...

He is the cutest little thing! My Brooklynn was the same way. She saw her friend riding and decided she wanted to and just took off. It just had to be her own idea. Don't know where she got that from!(Jay) haha

Tiff said...

Oh man I am scared for you that kids is so freaking cute - he cracks me up!

Unknown said...

We almost ran you over. You rock. Your fearless. Nexttime smooch those girls on the cheek

Oakley said...

WOW!!! Good job steele, dont tell Indy that she would be so excited!!!

Ellery said...

I love this stage he is in! suck up every minute of it!

Shannon said...

oh how cute!!! That is so fun that he did it in one night!!

jill allison said...

Hi Hayley, I don't know if you remember me, since you were about an inch tall when I last saw you (ok, so I'm an exaggerater), but my name is Jill (Ortiz) Murdock and I was friends of your older siblings, and parents too! I was in your neighborhood yesterday, went by the Lewis', they showed me your home, and I had to comment to tell you it is beautiful! You're landscaping is perfect...and those hanging baskets...the icing on the cake. Anyway, you have a darling family to match your darling home.

Julie said...

That kid is amazing..he learned in like 20 seconds! Now he can keep up with Summer! Ha ha
Stone had a blast at day camp.. will post pics sooon!

Ellery said...

k now he needs to teach my 7 year old how!!! he is such a cute kid!

Kathy said...

Kaden and steele need to get together. When we were at dance attack Kaden went out to the garage and found some random tools and took his training wheels off by himself and came in and told Rob he was riding a two wheeler. They should play!!