Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I guess the first day of school is always a little bitter sweet. It means another year has gone bye and my kids are another year older. And that is always hard for me to stomach...

Summer of course was great! Everything to mine and Stone's trip to Washington DC. Three weeks of Swimming Lessons. A couple trips to the cabin. Of course Dance Attack. A much needed weekend with just me and Josh it St. George. To spending days at the swimming pool and nights outside... I do LOVE Summer, and it makes me sad to have it over so fast.

My kids though LOVE school. And I should be thankful for that.

Stone is in 4th grade this year and Swayze is in 1st. They have a great school, and got lucky with great teachers. And I'm excited to see how much they learn and grow this year.

Steel's first day of Pre-School. He was excited {more than mom} but really just wants to go to Stone and Swayze's school. And I wish he could just stay home with me.

I think his teacher might have her hands a little full with this one. But he is so stinkin cute it's hard to get mad at him. And we only have one more year until he's off to Kindergarten! {O - Great}!!!


Cyndi said...

horray for school! Milo is sooo excited to have Swayze in his class again! what are the odds?

Kallas Family said...

I can't believe that stone is in 4th grade!!! are we really that old???

Cori Simmons said...

How is Swayze handling full days of school? I am praying for the dear teachers that will have Steele in the future. JK. He will do fine.

Molly said...

Your kids are getting so big! It is so sad that they keep getting older!

Tiff said...

Cute Hay - I am sad it's over too I feel like when school starts that means real life has to start - that sucks!!!

Ellery said...

know how you feel...i love that first picture! big brother going to school with his cute little sister!

Heather J said...

Swayze looks too pretty, she looks like she is going into junior high, not 1st grade. Oh, you guys are in trouble.

julie thayne smith said...

Hayley!!!!Thanks so much for spying on my blog and for your cute comments!!!! Your kids are all beautiful, although with who their mother is I'm not at all surprised!!! Wow, back to school came fast, your kids are so adorable all ready for the 1st day! Well, we for sure need to get together sometime and lets just add eachother to our friends&fam lists so we don't have to spy:) what do you think? So good to catch up and see how your cute family is doing! Love ya,Julie

Shannon said...

oh how cute is Stone and Swayze!! They are so cute, he will always be protecting that cute little stinker her whole life!!

It is so sad to have Summer come to an end. I want the pools to stay open for me and my little ones!!