Monday, March 17, 2008

Warning! ! !

If you ever think you might be baby hungry, because everyone around you is having a baby. Don't go look at puppies. Or else this is what you will end up with...

Meet the newest member of are family
- Roxy -

She is so cute. And such a cute Dog.

But seriously what were we thinking?
Did we really need another kid?


Kallas Family said...

I love that dog. If you ever need a dog sitter I am available after June!!

Tiff said...

Holy crap - you know I am not a dog lover but that dog is freakin so cute!!! How big does it get? any shedding? I need details! (i guess that dog better be pretty dang cute after this last weekend at the vet - right?)

Julie said...

Hey, cute blog! I got your blog adrs from Lowry's..Tyler loved these pics of your dog! Is he okay? we heard about the feather swallowing incident!

Cyndi said...

We love those kind of dogs! milo keeps talking about her! whats all about the vet weekend?


That is a very cute dog. My kids are trying to talk me into one and I am resisting because I know how much work they are. But I bet your kids will love it.

Callaway Family Fun said...

It was sooo fun to hear from you & I love your blog! I think I better stay out of pet stores right now because I am totally baby hungry!! I am having DANCE ATTACK flashbacks right now, we miss it!! I guess it was the right time to pull the girls out, though, since Daisy isn't able to dance right now. She started singing with Kathryn (from The Dance Club) and loves it! Hope you guys are doing great, your fam is adorable!!

Baby Bling said...

It was so fun to hear from you! Thanks! Cute little puppy, it's funny I made that same "mistake" for the same reason. Good Luck!
And your kids are adorable! Ours have got to be about the same ages and sexes...funny. As much fun as a baby seems, you've got to agree that it's nice to have the older kids!

Kathy said...

Rob asks me if I want a boxer. I think I prefer the prissy little white fluff doggies. Kaden is excited to see his friend tomorrow!

Cami said...

So I was just wondering, how many dogs have you had over the years:) Well this one is very cute!!!